creative production / off-the-shelf product

move it


Yaraqa designs corporate activities (workshops, energizers, incentives, outings, etc) inspired from creative movement/dance practices and based on the company values and needs. We invite employees into a social & safe space where they engage together in an enjoyable activity that tackles one or many of the following workplace wellbeing themes:

  • Team building & inter-personnel dynamics

  • Communication skills

  • Employee morale

  • Stress management and burnout prevention

  • Creative thinking & problem solving

  • Mental & physical energy

  • Concentration & focus

  • Productivity & performance

  • Happiness

Why Creative Movement / Dance?

Oftentimes, practices adopted for workplace wellbeing are rather mental and they add up to the long hours sitting down, information overload, and emotional overwhelm that employees are already feeling! In this case, engaging the whole body as well as the mind could be another solution.

Science agrees that there is power in using movement as a critical factor in learning, performance, and as a pathway for social engagement. According to Dr Peter Lovatt, ex-dancer and psychologist: ‘When people move in new and different ways it has an impact on their thinking. It speeds up their ability to solve problems.’ A lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire and TED talk regular, Dr Lovatt has carried out tests to find out whether moving creatively/dancing can truly change the way we think, and his findings were fascinating. He realized that dancing helps people develop new neural pathways to get around dopamine-depleted blockages.’ In other words, participants are feeling good but are also getting smarter, more creative, and definitely more social!


some of our workshops:

Move It & Work It are workshops initiated by Yaraqa and designed for the overwhelmed, overloaded, and overworked! Creative movement/dance workshops taking place in the workplace to help anyone interested in exploring creative ways of dealing with day-to-day stresses; a safe and casual space for those seeking to move freely at the end of a workday and leave with a set of energizing exercises to be integrated into their daily routine.

2nd cycle | may 24 - june 14, 2018 – 5:45pm till 7pm – antwork, hamra

Trainer: Alice Mattalia | Venue: Antwork | Model: Ahmad Osman | Visual Designer: Sarah Habli


1st cycle | April 26 - may 17 2018 – 6:45 till 8pm – antwork, hamra

Trainer: Nikita Shabazi | Venue: Antwork | Model: Ahmad Osman